Washington State HB 1054

Establishing Requirements for Tactics and Equipment Used by Peace Officers. Sponsored by Representatives Jesse Johnson and Debra Entenman, HB 1054 prohibits certain police tactics historically used in racially disproportionate ways, such as chokeholds, neck restraint, and the use of police dogs to arrest people, along with the use of tear gas and other military equipment such as acoustic weapons and armed drones. It also prohibits police officers from concealing their badge number.

Brief Summary of Bill

  • Prohibits peace officers from using chokeholds and neck restraints. Prohibits peace officers from using unleashed police dogs to arrest or apprehend persons.
  • Prohibits law enforcement agencies from acquiring or using tear gas and certain types of military equipment.
  • Prohibits uniformed peace officers from intentionally covering, concealing, or obscuring the number or other identifying information on their badges.
  • Prohibits a peace officer from seeking, and a court from issuing, a search or arrest warrant granting an express exception to the "knock and announce" rule.
  • Establishes restrictions on vehicular pursuits.


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