How to Hide from the Government


How to Stay Off the Government's Grid 

5 Ways to Avoid Paying Taxes Legally 

How to Hide Your Guns from Confiscation and Martial Law 

How to Hide Your Guns during Martial Law

How to Hide Your Bitcoins from the Government Authorities?

How To Stay Off The Surveillance Radar 

How to Avoid Government Internet Surveillance 

Can a VPN Protect You From Government Surveillance?

The Motherboard Guide to Avoiding State Surveillance 

How To Avoid The Government Spying On You 

Avoiding Internet Surveillance: The Complete Guide 

How to Protect Americans from Government Surveillance

Although law and regulation restrict government agencies from monitoring citizens who exercise their Constitutionally protected rights, that doesn't mean that a corrupt government organization isn't monitoring your anyway.

* No information shall be acquired about a person or organization solely because of lawful advocacy of measures in opposition to Government policy.

* No computerized data banks shall be maintained relating to individuals or organizations not affiliated with the Department of Defense, unless authorized by the Secretary of Defense, or his  designee.

* [DOD personnel] may not investigate U.S. persons or collect or maintain information about them solely for the purpose of monitoring activities protected by the First Amendment or the lawful exercise of other rights secured by the Constitution or laws of the United States.

Know Your Rights and take proactive steps to avoid government surveillance and monitoring.


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